Friday, February 27, 2009

My Princess scared me this morning

Once in a while you have a  conversation with your child that just scares the ever-loving shit outta ya. I have always been one to want my daughter to be independent and to grow up to be her own this mornings conversation shook my psyche to the core. I hope this is not an indication of her future and what she expects outta life!

Me: "Princess...time to get ready for school"

Princess: "Not now Daddy...I'm busy"

Me: "But it is getting to be time to go...better hurry up"

Princess: "But I'm busy"

Me: "What are you doing?"

Princess: "I am looking for my Prince" -(a male doll)

Me: " will have to find him later. Life is just going to have to go on without the Prince"

Princess: "Daddy....if I do not find my Prince...I will not be able to go on. I need my Prince!"

Me: "You will be ok. You do not need the Prince right now. You can find him later."

Princess: "Later is not good enough! I NEED MY PRINCE NOW!"

Man......I am afraid that this does not bode well for the future. What are we teaching out little girls!??? This is exactly why women get all hyped up about finding Mr. Right and end up settling for Mr. Right Now....cuz they just HAVE to have their Prince RIGHT NOW!!


Thursday, February 12, 2009

I wanna be a Pirate

Alright...enough with being the mild mannered and well respected guy! I WANNA BE A PIRATE!

Look at Cap'n Jack Sparrow! He is everything men want to be and let's face it...everything women want!

That's it...I am buying a hat, sword and some swashbuckling boots!


Monday, February 2, 2009

Where has all the happiness gone?

Have you ever noticed that sometime around the end of January people just start getting grumpy? It seems that as the winter rolls on, even in the South, people just start to get tired of eachother and of the general way of things and start arguing, snapping at and griping at eachother. It would appear that we need Spring to arrive soon, because people just aren't happy in the Winter. Oh sure...up North...there is always that magical time with the first snowfall, but I here that about now, people are just sick and tired of it. I guess that is one advantage to mid-western snow. 

However, even here we have had a lot of cold days (ok...compared to where my buddy Ergo lives it isn't cold but for here it was downright frigid!) We have actually gotten frost on the cars lately and I am just not liking it one bit. If for no other reason than one of my kids HATES when he has to change his clothes for the cold weather ones. He hates wearing sleeves and despite trying to find sweatshirts without cuffs, he still has a total meltdown at the mere suggestion of long sleeve shirts...let alone a coat. Not all autistic kids have this issue but mine sure does. He does not like changes to anything in his day to day routine. Now...after many weeks of cold temps...he is adjusting but still having fits, but atleast I do not have to hog tie him to get his warmer clothes on now. Of course, the downside to this advancement is that once he settles into will be hot again and I will then have to change him back to short sleeves...and we will have this drama all over again. It is a vicious cycle my friends...yes sir...good times. (Insert sarcasm here!)

Beyond that, I have found that there is one happy thing about the chocolate! It is being served a lot more around here and for that...I am Kind Dad Supreme-O! LOL!