Thursday, February 12, 2009

I wanna be a Pirate

Alright...enough with being the mild mannered and well respected guy! I WANNA BE A PIRATE!

Look at Cap'n Jack Sparrow! He is everything men want to be and let's face it...everything women want!

That's it...I am buying a hat, sword and some swashbuckling boots!



Spooky Magoo said...

"Newly divorced and NO I am not ready to start over again"


It's sounds like you're getting ready. The ladies of Tampa are in for a treat.

Dadof3PT said...

Well...I may be getting there but believe it or not the minute someone hears you are divorced they start sending you crap about getting together.

Believe me...after the last one, I am in NO hurry to get into THAT again!

Cap'n Ergo "XL+II" Jinglebollocks said...

Yarr!! Yer booty shivers me timbers!!

(that's your opening line, BTW).

This is why I converted to Pastafarianism about 2 years ago-- every Friday is their holy day and the Invisible Flying Spaghetti Monster (bless his noodly appendage) wishes that we show our respect for him by dressing up as pirates every friday!! Yarr!!

(oh, and you DO know that there's a beer volcano in heaven, right??)