Friday, September 19, 2008

Beware of words and their direction!

Well, I am not sure how many readers I have (I suppose I need one of those fancy dot map things that Lemon has) but I have several that I read religiously. One of my favorite writers is actually a couple (with seperate but tied in harmony blogs) from up North (that's right...their Yankees!)

ANYWAY...not so long ago Cap'n Lemon-Ergo (not sure what you go by these days...LOL) and his girl Spooky have been going thru a lot and posted about it. Me being the curious one, just had to open my big keyboard and ask many (too many) questions to try and understand better. Well, this set off an avalanche of events which led to some miscommunication and hard feelings. I feel awful about that.

You see, in cyberspace we have the ability to find friends that would otherwise never cross our paths. It is almost like taking a detour off of the road of Destiny and taking a chance. Sometimes, however, we have to remember that while we control this detour, we must remember that on the other end of that internet connection is someone else...a human...who has their own destiny and all its luggage to boot.

I quickly learned, that in this blogosphere, that it is sometimes better to wait patiently for a story to unfold and let the other person, who we may have considered a cyber friend, to decide the pace at which to tell a story and sometimes you need to not ask...but listen/read.

I am happy to say that in the end, we were able to regroup, reconnect and rewrite what was once a bloody awful mess, and it looks like we are going to be having lots more of those great stories and tales. I for one need to do more postings...but I am still getting my feet wet and I hope someday, perhaps, that I may have a big fat juicy red dot map too!!

1 comment:

Cap'n Ergo "XL+II" Jinglebollocks said...

stand ye, then, in awe of my great big red balls!! Hee!!

Seriously, go to my place and click on the lil' mappy-thing: it's some simple code y'all can add to your blogg.

And, hey, fevers sometimes run high and miscommunications happen. The IMPORTANT thing is that things have been fix-a-fied and we're back on even keel.

Somewhere 'long the line I think we got sold short: nowhere in my formal education is there any schooling on how to communicate effectively with other folken, and nowhere has anyone officially told me that it's perfectly normal to have disagreements with folken you're friends with and hold dear. These things happen, but I think it's a shame that no one explains that it WILL happen to us as part of merely being Human. There's a LOT of gaps in our collective knowledge, I think.

As for writing, here's a thought: November is National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) and it's everyone's challenge to post every single day for the 30 days of November. I started doing that LAST year and, so far, have been posting ever since every single day. It's an interesting experiment, and if you're looking for a personal challenge to write more, that would be IT. You've got a good month & 1/2 to prep for it, and we'll all be looking for lots of stuff during that month!

When in doubt, post a meme or a YouTube video or a joke or a picture of naked people--that's what the rest of us do when in a pinch!!