Monday, August 11, 2008

*sigh*.... if only

Well, at the suggestion of my blog-buddy Lemon, I am going to wax eloquent (ok...probably choppy and out of order) about my ex. Here we go!

There was a girl. There was a boy. They fell in love (and fell in bed) and then decided it was a good idea to get married. Along came a kid or two or three, and one with disabilities (HELP...someone stop me...I AM RHYMING!)

My ex and I were soul mates. I truly believe that. Sure we had some key differences (religion, upbringing, and how we approached the world) but the core of our souls...they were a match. We were happy for a long time, and made eachother laugh like crazy and could fall asleep in eachothers arms and sleep that way all night. Being together was fun, easy and we were happy.

Then we had kids. not get me wrong...because I LOVE my kids... but having them changes a lot. I have to admit, at first it was all fun and an adventure (watch out for boys in diapers...they have amazing aim!) but it started an almost imperceptable shift in our relationship. I have to admit, at times, I was a little jealous of how much my wife loved the baby (and others to follow) but I understood it. I guess I was just used to being her one and only and along comes a lump of cute little giggly baby-ness and now I have to share...let alone struggle for any attention.

As many of you surely know, it eventually evens out and you get into the swing of things and become a family and life is good again. But then you have one more and one more. Now you are lucky to even be looked at by your wife and usually it is in a plea for help with the kids. We tried to go out and leave the kids with sitters or family but that was rare. We still had the token relations if you know what I mean...and they were great (they always were with us) but this too fell to the wayside with all the demands of the kids and life.

NOW...add to the the pressure of finding out that one of your kids is just a little different. Now realize that he is VERY different and autistic and now he needs a lot of extra care and attention. Add to this a whirlwind of doctors, therapists, meetings with schools and whatnot...all while still trying to lead a "normal" you see where we are heading.

It is the same old story...we drifted apart. Not because of a lack of love...but a lack of time. Time for eachother. Time alone. Time to remember why we fell in love. Yes, there have been times I felt like I hated her (esp. during the divorce) but I think back now and realize I was angry at the love that was lost (or being ignored thru the anger) and I was angry because I gave up. I took it out on her that we stopped trying. I have to admit...I played the blame game. It was easy to blame her. SHE stopped paying attention to me. SHE stopped making me feel loved. SHE took me for granted. SHE only wanted me around to be Dad and SHE did not want me as a lover anymore. I was so very angry and rejected.


Then I stopped one day not to long ago, and I had an epiphany. *I* stopped paying attention to her. *I* did not try anymore to make her feel loved. *I* stopped thinking of her as my lover and she was the Mother of My Children. I rejected her and made her angry. I realized that BOTH of us got lost in the every day business of being parents and a family and lost US!

Why did I not try harder to show her I cared? Why did I not try harder to let her know I still loved her more than words? Why did I not try harder to make love to her whenever we had a moment? Why did I not buy her flowers or a single rose...just because. Why didn't I tell her every day how amazing I thought she was for being such a great Mom and for how hard she fought for our son to get everything he needed?? WHY DID I STOP TRYING????????

I wonder if I will ever stop regretting not trying. I sometimes wonder what would happen if I tried again. Does she wonder too? There are those moments when she seems to reach out to me and I there hope after all this time? stubborn male mind kicks in and says..."Don't try it Jack. Better to leave things alone. Don't put yourself out there to get chopped down man!"

*SIGH*.......... Some say it is better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all. I hate that bastard that said they. He was full of shit!


Cap'n Ergo "XL+II" Jinglebollocks said...

gee-- this is my fault for asking?? :)

why did you stop trying? Exhaustion, confusion, rejection, and a whole host of other reasons, I'll wager. There's lots and LOTS of reasons why 2 people don't make it.

This is heavy stuff, and I applaud you for putting this on the 'Net. I think your experience (not so different from mine) is common for MOST people of special needs children.

I'm curious as to what happens next??

Cap'n Ergo "XL+II" Jinglebollocks said...

PSSST!! hey, Dad!! I deleted my Spooky blog, and then put it back up. but of course, this means that I don't have your address to invite you back!! Email me again at!!