Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Who saw that tornado come thru here?

OK....so J went to bed last night with a clean room.

Since he wakes all the time during the night we just have his room set up with DVD's and his toys in case he gets insomnia.

WELL....here is what was in his room this morning:

The furniture of course, but along with that was toys, ripped up paper towels, a bag of fruit loops cereal (the WHOLE bag was spread out across the floor), soda spilled on the floor and J asleep wrapped in his blanket with christmas cookie still in his hands.

Yep....I think he had a party and did it right under our sleeping noses!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Conversations with my autistic kid

ME: What do you want for dinner tonight?

J: Chicken ....french fries....chicken

ME: Would you like to try some Spaghetti? (He does not EVER try new things)

J; YUCK! Chicken....I want

ME: Can I give you some spaghetti with your Chicken?

J: (Grabbing my face) Dad...look a' me...CHI---CKEN. Yes?

ME: (Laughing) Ok J, Chicken it is.

J: Good job Dad...high five! (This is how we reward him getting something right! LOL!)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm not dead yet!......I think I'll go for a walk!....

Hello out there in blogger land! In case the few of you that questioned my very existance as of late....I ain't dead! Ha! Ha!

As I have said before, I am TERRIBLE at this. I am not good for consistancy or maintaining anything on a regular basis. Work...fine! Kids...fine! Finances...fine! Blogs and Facebook and Myspace types of things....well....I suck!

So, anyway....things are good! My oldest had a great summer and thinks he owns the world! My middle child has increased his vocabularly exponentially by leaps and bounds and we are so proud of him! The Princess...well...she is just getting prettier every day and I fear for the day she is older and the boys in the world take notice! (Just in case....I got a shotgun and I ain't afraid to show it to 'em!)

I am well on my way down that dreaded path...the one you go down when relationships get serious and I am trying not to FREAK OUT at the thought of allowing myself to not only love but allowing myself to be loved. Scary stuff....even for this grown man!

On another note, my Ex is still being a PITA and that could be a whole novel at this point. Do they ever stop trying to control us? I thought that is what the divorce was for?!?

Ok, well, I got the kids but just wanted to pop in here and raise the signal that there is still life in this old guy and say hey to the world! Hope that life has been kind to you in my absence!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Yes, I know, I am a horrible blogger. I only post every now and again and even then, I am pretty sure my posts are boring. Forgive me...for I am but a mere mortal.....ok....enough groveling! LOL!

So, things have been going well in my new (old) relationship. We have really hit it off and we are quickly approaching that point in the relationship where you must make a decision. Do you continue and commit to this person in a more permanent nature or do you break it off.

Let's face it...we are pretty straight forward creatures. Men are easy. Make us happy and we stick around but most times woman want so much and why so quickly? It seems inevitable that they always want to be "more" and need some sort of sign that this relationship is "going somewhere". Why can't they just be happy that we are with them and that we are getting along? Why is it woman seem to have titles and definition for a relationship to be successful?

As I stand on this precipice, I have to ask myself, especially after a divorce not so long ago....am I ready for this again? Do I truly want to be with this person long term or am I just afraid of being alone? Do I really feel as strongly for her and she declares she does for me? How do I know I want to do this all over again?

I hate the part we all come to where everyone is happy but someone has to bugger it up by deciding whether or not this happiness is going to last long term or not. I am more a Carpe Diem sort of person, so this long term crap is, in my opinion...for the birds!

Oh well...guess I had better get to thinking about which way this will go.

Stay tuned!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What was lost is found again

So nowadays, I smile a bit brighter...laugh a bit louder...and love a lot more!

That's right folks...I have found love again. Curiously enough, I had found it before but not appreciated the attraction at the time. You see, I am falling in love all over again with one of my old high school "sweethearts" who I found again recently. It is ironic, but I had a short and intense relationship with this person, and while it was short lived, it is burned unequivicably into my memories, as it was intense and passionate and had a lot of potential that was just never realized.

Why was it never realized, you ask? Well...let's face it...we all find romance when we are young. We often meet someone, find them fun to be around and sometimes, even hot and easy on the eyes. You kiss, you makeout...and sometimes more. You think the world is at your fingertips and you can do anything. But for one reason or another...you just did not make it or go where ya thought you would. Maybe it is because you moved. Maybe it is because two weeks later, you met someone else who set your "soul on Fire!" Maybe the other person liked you, but did not know how to say it and they just backed away. Maybe you were just young and dumb and did not know a good thing because you were young and dumb.

ANYWAY...so I meet up with my old sweetie and surprise, surprise...there is still something there. In fact, it is even more intense than ever before. Could it be? How did something that fizzled out long ago, maintain some of the flame for 20 some odd years?

As it turns out I thought of them, as much as they thought of me. Many of the feeling that should have catapulted us further in relationship status were there but apparently we both scared ourselves and never did anything more about it. There was, dare I say...love there....but we were too young to figure it out and let it slip away.

SO...here we are many moons later and I have to wonder....what would have it been like had we been brave and gone for it? What path would my life have taken? Would it have spared me the pain of my divorce and other failed relationships? But then, I remember the GOOD things that came from the path my life took (mostly my kids) and I know I would not trade the good to rid my memory of the bad.

HOWEVER....just think of the new future that lays ahead...tested but never proven and all full of the newest possibilities! Not to mention I am doing something I have not done in YEARS....finding songs that remind me of how I feel about her! GAH! Could I be any more pathetic?!?!

Yep....I am a fool in love and I am as sappy happy as they come ! (Just please...don't tell the other guys...I would not want to ruin my rep! LOL!)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Goodbye Mr Harvey

It was a sad day in history yesterday,  as the world lost one of the great radio personalities. 

Goodbye Mr. Harvey! We will miss your voice!

Friday, February 27, 2009

My Princess scared me this morning

Once in a while you have a  conversation with your child that just scares the ever-loving shit outta ya. I have always been one to want my daughter to be independent and to grow up to be her own woman...so this mornings conversation shook my psyche to the core. I hope this is not an indication of her future and what she expects outta life!

Me: "Princess...time to get ready for school"

Princess: "Not now Daddy...I'm busy"

Me: "But it is getting to be time to go...better hurry up"

Princess: "But I'm busy"

Me: "What are you doing?"

Princess: "I am looking for my Prince" -(a male doll)

Me: "Well...you will have to find him later. Life is just going to have to go on without the Prince"

Princess: "Daddy....if I do not find my Prince...I will not be able to go on. I need my Prince!"

Me: "You will be ok. You do not need the Prince right now. You can find him later."

Princess: "Later is not good enough! I NEED MY PRINCE NOW!"

Man......I am afraid that this does not bode well for the future. What are we teaching out little girls!??? This is exactly why women get all hyped up about finding Mr. Right and end up settling for Mr. Right Now....cuz they just HAVE to have their Prince RIGHT NOW!!


Thursday, February 12, 2009

I wanna be a Pirate

Alright...enough with being the mild mannered and well respected guy! I WANNA BE A PIRATE!

Look at Cap'n Jack Sparrow! He is everything men want to be and let's face it...everything women want!

That's it...I am buying a hat, sword and some swashbuckling boots!


Monday, February 2, 2009

Where has all the happiness gone?

Have you ever noticed that sometime around the end of January people just start getting grumpy? It seems that as the winter rolls on, even in the South, people just start to get tired of eachother and of the general way of things and start arguing, snapping at and griping at eachother. It would appear that we need Spring to arrive soon, because people just aren't happy in the Winter. Oh sure...up North...there is always that magical time with the first snowfall, but I here that about now, people are just sick and tired of it. I guess that is one advantage to mid-western Florida...no snow. 

However, even here we have had a lot of cold days (ok...compared to where my buddy Ergo lives it isn't cold but for here it was downright frigid!) We have actually gotten frost on the cars lately and I am just not liking it one bit. If for no other reason than one of my kids HATES when he has to change his clothes for the cold weather ones. He hates wearing sleeves and despite trying to find sweatshirts without cuffs, he still has a total meltdown at the mere suggestion of long sleeve shirts...let alone a coat. Not all autistic kids have this issue but mine sure does. He does not like changes to anything in his day to day routine. Now...after many weeks of cold temps...he is adjusting but still having fits, but atleast I do not have to hog tie him to get his warmer clothes on now. Of course, the downside to this advancement is that once he settles into it....it will be hot again and I will then have to change him back to short sleeves...and we will have this drama all over again. It is a vicious cycle my friends...yes sir...good times. (Insert sarcasm here!)

Beyond that, I have found that there is one happy thing about the cold...hot chocolate! It is being served a lot more around here and for that...I am Kind Dad Supreme-O! LOL!