Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Some days are better than others

Okay we go. I have been lurking around blogger for a while now and reading a lot. I love to read. It fills my soul when it feels empty. Well.....I figure it is time to jump into the deep end of the pool as they say and contribute a bit and share my stories as well.

Since I am new to this I will keep it relatively simple.

I am a full time Dad with Part time hours. I love my kids dearly but only get to see them as much as the Ex will allow. I want more and she is fine the way it is. My kids are great. I got three (two boys and one girl) and one has a disorder (ASD - autism spectrum disorder). Basically that means that he doesn't talk much and does not understand what we are asking of him. It is a short circuit in the understanding of communication. That is basically how that works. My other two are pretty "normal" with my little girl being quite the Princess. Everything for her is about fairy tales and if it is Pink she has GOT to have it. My other boy is just that....100% boy...gettin' dirty, playing with bugs and annoying his sister. Wish I was there for everything but if you have kids and are know what I mean!

The other day I had to bring my kids back to the Ex. Let's just say no matter how much we may have loved eachother...we just could not live together. I think we are just like Oil and Water...ya we are both liquids but we sure do not mix well. Anyway..things are tense at times (especially when we talk about our son with ASD) because she wants him to go to some private school and I want him to stay with public schools. THey have a great one with a class just for kids like him and they are doing great! I just do not know why she feels the need to change things when he is making progress. Anyway...just another battle that seems more about who is the one who wins rather than what we are supposedly fighting about. Know what I mean?!

Anyway, I am just fresh into this whole newly single thing and have NO interest in getting back into the saddle again. Please do not use my blog to meet...but I would sure like to see where this goes as far as online friends and hear from others going thru the same thing.

Hope this is not too boring...I am not a great writer...but hey...worth trying...right?!